Thursday, February 28, 2008

And the Winner is...

When it came time for the truck drawing, the Monsanto booth was standing room only. I was definitely cheering for my fellow farmers from Clinton, but I guess I didn't share enough luck with Bryan & Melinda Dehn to help bring that truck back to our hometown.

After choosing a case containing keys to the brand new Duramax, the four finalists pushed the keyless-entry to see which of them would be driving a new truck back home.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown got the lucky case. The Iowa couple own a family farm, partnering with their son and grandson to run the operation. Mr. Brown wasn't sure who would end up driving the truck, but he did say the family would enjoy it.

Mrs. Brown said the new vehicle would be great for future shopping trips. I admit, the amount of cab space is ideal for a trip to the mall! I estimate you could probably fit 200 pairs of cowboy boots in that thing. That doesn't even count the number of shopping bags you could put in the bed!

Editor's Note: Please, don't take my rough estimate seriously, I'm terrible with approximations. Good thing I'm focusing my future career on my love for communication!

The couple said they even color-coordinated their clothing to give them a lucky edge on the competition. Mrs. Brown said their daughter made the suggestion since red is her favorite color. Looks like superstitions may have led to a winning contest for this Iowa farm family! Congrats!

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